
Our valuation services include: free online auction valuations, virtual valuations, home visits and valuation days at our salerooms, where clients can receive advice on selling at Dreweatts from our market-leading specialists.


Auctioneers and valuers since 1759, with salerooms at Donnington Priory, Newbury and Pall Mall, London.

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Autographs and Ephemera

About your item

Please provide as comprehensive description of the item as possible eg. letter, photograph, poster.
eg. if it is a letter, who is the receipient and what is it regarding. Describe the history of ownership eg. purchased where/when, inherited?
If any parts are missing, do you still have them?
Please ensure your images are clear and include all sides, any signatures, damages and certificates of authenticity

Max file size: 11MB (total)

File formats: JPG, PNG, PDF
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What is the item?
What is the item?
Who is the author, artist or subject of the work?
Who is the author, artist or subject of the work?
Describe the content and context of the item
Describe the content and context of the item
What are the dimensions of the item excluding the frame?
What are the dimensions of the item excluding the frame?
Describe any areas of damage
Describe any areas of damage
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Disclaimer: Dreweatts specialists will provide the most accurate auction estimate based only upon the information and images provided. The auction estimates are the price range within which Dreweatts specialists believe the item will sell. These are provisional only and subject to change based on first hand inspection. The valuations are provided exclusively for the use of the client for the specific purpose of consigning property to Dreweatts and are not to be used for any other purpose.

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